Discourse Analysis
来源: 发布时间:2014-10-22

Course title
Discourse Analysis
Guohong Xu
Instructor’s profile
Dr. Xu obtained her doctoral degree of sociolinguistics from Beijing Normal University. Her research interests are discourse analysis, multimodality, systemic functional grammar, rhetoric and communication.
Course goals
This course aims to teach different schools of discourse analysis and their major contributions to the study. Students are expected to grasp the basic concepts and research methods of discourse analysis and apply it to their own study.
Topics to be covered in this course include: Introduction to Discourse Analysis, pragmatic approach to discourse, sociolinguistic approach, functional approach, anthropological approach, conversation analysis, multimodal discourse analysis, critical discourse analysis, classroom discourse, etc.
Classroom presentation 20% + attendance 10% + term paper 70%
Reference books
Schiffrin, D. 1994. Approaches to Discourse, London: Wiley.
Coulthard, M. 2007. An Introduction to Discourse Analysis. London/New York: Pearson Education.
Kress, G. & van Leeuwen. 2006. Reading Images (2nd edition). New York: Rutledge.
Hu, Zhuanglin. 1994. Cohesion and Coherence of Discourse. Shanghai Foreign Languages Education Press.
Huang, Guowen. 2001. Theories and Practices of Discourse Analysis. Shanghai Foreign Languages Education Press.
Working language

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