The Language and Culture of China
来源: 发布时间:2013-12-30

Course title
The Language and Culture of China
SHI Tianqiang
Course goals
The course focuses on the introduction of theory and practice of the Language and Culture of China, is designed to the candidates of master of interpretation, aims to enhance the graduates’trans-language practicing ability. The course has two parts. In the first part, the basic knowledges about language,culture,their characteristics and evolution, its modernity and expression in modern China will be focused on. It tries to help graduates understand Chinese deeply. In the second part, graduates will read the classical literature texts of modern Chinese famous writers, in order to understand the multiple characteristics of modern Chinese language. Graduates will discuss the texts,analyse the texts,and write reading report on the basis of their class discussion.
What is ‘Language and Culture of China’ (4)
The Phases of China Language and Culture (4)
The Evolution of Modern Language and Culture of China (8)
Text Reading (I ) (8)
Text Reading (II) (8)
Class performance and Closed-book examination
Reference books
Wang Yichuan Poetics of Chinese Images, Shanghai Sanlian Publishing Press , 1997
Hong Zicheng Modern Literature History of China, Peking University Publishing Press, 1999
Li Yang Re-reading of Modern Literary Classics in the Time of 1950s to 1970s,
Shandong Educational Publishing Press, 2003
Shi Tianqiang Literature, Text, and Culture, Peking University Publishing Press, 2012
Jonathan Culler Literary Theory, Oxford University Press, 1997
Working language

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