Professor Wu Xiaoxia
来源: 发布时间:2015-12-15

Basic information


Wu Xiaoxia


Dean of Department of RussianStudies

Email address

Research areas

Russian literature, College Russian

Brief introduction

Wu Xiaoxia is a Professor of Russian and Russianliterature with interests in Russian literature and College Russian Teaching at Beihang University. She received her Ph.D in literature from Beijing Normal University in 2009. In 2002-2003 she was sent to Russian for a year. Her main courses: appreciation of Russian poetry, Russian contemporary female literature andCollege Russian. She is themember of the Education Department of foreign language teaching and guidance committee,and the Secretary General of the National Institute of foreign language teaching and research in Colleges and Universities in China.

For the past 10 years, Pr. Wu has been the author of more than 20 journal articles and lead author of 5 books. She presided over the National Social Science Fund Project and the Beijing philosophy and Social Science Fund Project.

Major publications:

1. Research of Merejkovski symbolism poetics (Monograph)

2. The Fusion of This shore and Other shore-- On “Eternal female” of the trilogy of Christ and Antichrist

3. Study on the Course of Russian Poetry Appreciation for Russian Major

4. A Survey of National College Russian Teaching

5. Study on the Program for Two-Year Russian Postgraduate Students in Beijing University Aeronautics and Astronautics

6. The poet of action -- On Lermontov in the critical view of Merejkovski

7. On color symbol meanings of the trilogy of Christ and Antichrist of Merejkovski

8. The Dream of the Third Empire-- Comparative Study on Emperor and Galilean and Julian the Apostate

9. On theme of double in creation of Dostoevsky and Merejkovski

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