APCLC2016 Registration Opens
来源: 发布时间:2016-08-10



Early bird registration opens on 10 August, 2016 and ends on 25 August, 2016; and normal registration lasts from 26 August, 2016 to 10 September, 2016. Registration will not be possible after 10 September, 2016.

1.Abstract submission

Wehave now sent out all the notifications to the first author of each submission.Please contact us via APCLC3@hotmail.comif you submitted an abstract but have not received notification yet.

Authorswhose abstracts have been accepted should pay attention to the followinginstructions. First, authors are required to confirm their attendance byreplying to the notification email no later than 10 August, 2016. Second, weclassified accepted abstracts into three categories – FULL PAPER, WORK inPROGRESS (WiP), and POSTER. Each abstract accepted as FULL PAPER will bescheduled into a 30-minute session (20 minutes for presentation and 5-10minutes for Q & A) at the conference; each WiP will be scheduled into a15-minute session at the conference, including Q & A if possible. Posterswill be assigned to dedicated sessions and stay up for the day. They shouldhave the size A0 (841 x 1,189 mm, or 33.1 – 46.8 inches) so that there issufficient room to stand next to the poster while presenting.


2.1 Registration for the main conference

Registration price

Early Bird – Student

900 RMB

Early Bird – Standard

1300 RMB

Normal – Student

1100 RMB

Normal – Standard

1500 RMB

Please note:1)Early bird registration opens on 10 August, 2016 and ends on 25 August, 2016;and normal registration lasts from 26 August, 2016 to 10 September, 2016. Registrationwill not be possible after 10 September, 2016.

2)Participants are asked to fill in the form below and send the completed form toAPCLC3@hotmail.comafter they have registered and made the payment so as to confirm theirregistration.


First Name

Family Name



Student rate

Early bird

Normal  registration

Standard rate

Early bird

Normal  registration

Conference  tour



3) For participants who choose studentrate, evidence (e.g. a scanned copy of student ID card) should be attached tothe confirmation email to prove their student identity.

2.Registration for workshop, please go to http://corpora.lancs.ac.uk/submission/registration.php?conference=18 and fill in the form.  


Wehave booked 100 rooms (including single rooms and standard rooms) at BeihangTraining Centre Hotel which is about 3 – 5 minutes’ walking distance from theconference site, and 50 rooms at Park Plaza Hotel which is about 15 minutes’walking distance from the conference site.The price and contact information foreach hotel is given below.




Single room

Standard room

Beihang Training Centre Hotel

268 RMB

328 RMB

+ 86 10 82317927

Park Plaza Beijing Science Park

580 RMB

660 RMB

+ 86 10 8235 6699

Conference participants who choose tostay in the above two recommended hotels are suggested to contact theirreception counters directly. Since available rooms are limited and we work on a‘first come, first serve’ policy, we strongly encourage our participants to registerand book the hotel as early as possible. While you are booking the room, please make it clear to the receptionist that you are a participant of the APCLC 2016, as the recommended two hotels ( Beihang Training Centre Hotel and Park Plaza Beijing Science Park) won't be able to accept any other booking during that period. Saring rooms are more thanappreciated. For those who are willing to share rooms, we have created a Wechatgroup – APCLC 2016 (please scan the QR code below to join the group) to providea platform so that participants can get in touch with each other and find apotential roommate.

Incase that there are no more rooms available in the two recommended hotels, participantsare suggested to get in touch with some nearby hotels. Contact information isgiven below.



Hanting  Express Hotel

+  86 10 82326688

7-days Inn

+  86 1082837988

Home Inn

+  86 1062026556

Master Inn

+  86 1082320101

4.Conference tour

Weare planning to organise a free conference tour to the Great Wall on 24October, 2016. Please indicate whether you would like to join the tour when youregister.

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