讲座通知:Many Martyrs Fell: Bob Dylan's Guide to the Civil Rights Struggle
来源: 发布时间:2019-06-03

主讲人:Professor Thomas Oliver Beebee








Thomas Oliver Beebee, who graduated from University of Michigan with a Ph.D in Comparative Literature, was the Distinguished Professor of Comparative Literature and German in Penn State University in 2008 and Edwin Erle Sparks Professor of Comparative Literature and German in Penn State University from 2012 to the present. He serves as the editor-in-chief of Comparative Literature Studies, a top A&HCI journal in the sphere of Comparative Literature Studies. Thomas Beebee has won many honours and awards in his life time, such as Eisenhower Award for Excellence in Teaching, Penn State University in 1993 and Faculty Scholar Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Humanities in 2010.He has single-authored more than seven books, such as Clarissa on the Continent: Translation and Seduction, Epistolary Fiction in Europe, Millennial Literatures of the Americas, 1492-2002 and Nation and Region in Modern European and American Fiction published many articles in top literature and translation journals such as Comparative Literature, German Quarterly, Eighteenth-Century Fiction, CLCWeb, Translation Studies, The Translator, Law and Literature, Neohelicon



Though he distanced himself from the status of a "protest singer" early in his career, and though his most famous songs only treat the theme of civil rights in a general or metaphorical way (e.g., "Blowing in the Wind"), from the 1960s to the 1980s Nobel prizewinning author Bob Dylan consistently returned to the theme of injustice committed against individual African-Americans, ending with a summary of America's original sin in the epic "Blind Willie McTell" (1983). Dylan's songs provide a catalogue of lynchings (Emmett Till), murders (Medgar Evers, Hattie Carroll, George Jackson), denial of civil rights (James Meredith), and a racially biased legal system (Hurricane Carter). This lecture-demonstration will provide the historical context for these songs, analyze text and music, and address their effect on attitudes.

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