来源: 发布时间:2011-06-28
Thema (题目)
Von Mandarinen, Pfauen und Rosenknospen: Ein Gespräch über
Goethes Chinesisch-deutsche Jahres- und Tageszeiten (1829)
Prof. Dr. Werner Frick
Direktor des Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS) der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Zeit时间: Mittwoch, 29. Juni 2011, 10:00-11:30 2011629,星期三,1000-1130
Ort(地点): Ruxin-Gebäude, Raum 806beat365中国官方网站如心楼806
Zum Vortragenden (报告人简介)
Prof. Dr. Werner Frick, born 1953 in Altensteig, Black Forest. 1971-1977 studied German and Comparative Literature, Philosophy, History and Musicology in Tübingen and Paris. 1985 completed Ph.D. (supervised by Klaus-Detlef Müller), University of Kiel: “Providence and Contingency. Studies on the Semantics of Fate in the 17th- and 18th-century German and European Novel” [original title: Providenz und Kontingenz. Untersuchungen zur Schicksalssemantik im deutschen und europäischen Roman des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts];1980-1997 Assistant Lecturer at the Universities of Regensburg and Augsburg, 1989/90 and 1993/94 Visiting Scholar, Stanford University. 1997 habilitation, University of Augsburg: “‘The Mythical Method’: Comparative Studies on the Transformation of Greek Tragedy in the Drama of the Classical Modern Period” [original title: ‚Die mythische Methode’: Komparatistische Studien zur Transformation der griechischen Tragödie im Drama der klassischen Moderne]; 1998 Professor at Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz; 1999-2004 Chair of Modern German and Comparative Literature at the Georg-August University of Göttingen and Founding Director of the Göttingen Centre for Comparative Studies; since 2004 Chair of Modern German and Comparative Literature at the Albrecht-Ludwigs University of Freiburg. Member of the Academies of Sciences of Göttingen (since 2002) and Heidelberg (since 2005); member, board of advisers of the Goethe Society in Weimar (since 2003) and chairman of the scientific advisory board of the Klassik Stiftung Weimar (since 2005), co-editor of the Goethe Yearbook (since 2003) as well as the series spectrum Literaturwissenschaft – Comparative Studies (De Gruyter), Klassische Moderne (Ergon) and linguae & litterae (De Gruyter). Director, School of Language & Literature, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS), and Speaker of the FRIAS Board of Directors since 2007.
Prof. Dr. Werner Frick, 德国弗莱堡大学高等研究院(FRIAS)院长、弗莱堡大学德语系资深教授、德国哥廷根科学院院士、海德堡科学院院士、德国魏玛古典基金会学术委员会主席、德国歌德学会副会长、《歌德年刊(Goethe Jahrbuch)》主编。

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